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What Is a Low-Grade Fever? Causes and Treatment

If you’ve ever experienced the symptoms of a cold or flu, then you have most likely had a fever.i Many people who have a fever usually experience symptoms such as sweating, chills and shivering, muscle aches, dehydration, and general weakness.ii Though a temperature of 100.4°F or greater can be cause for concern, doctors recommend keeping an eye on more mild fevers, commonly known as a low-grade fever.iii If you’re unsure of what a low-grade fever is, or how to treat it, we’ve got you covered. In this article we discuss what a low-grade fever is, low-grade fever causes, and low-grade fever symptoms.

What Is a Low Grade Fever? 

The most widely known definition of a fever is when a person’s body temperature runs over 98.6°F, the average body temperature for most people.iv However, a fever can be broken down into further categories based on temperature, and one of those categories is “low-grade”. Healthcare professionals define a low-grade fever as a body temperature of 99.6°F to 100.3°F. A low-grade fever is usually a sign that your body is fighting off the infection that has caused your temperature to rise, but most likely won’t need medical attention.v One important thing to note is that body temperature can fluctuate by one or two degrees from various factors such as stress or heavy clothing, and even medications can have an effect on the body’s

Low-Grade Fever Causes

If you notice that your temperature remains high over an extended period of time, then this a clear indication that you have a low-grade fever. Here are few low-grade fever causes you should be aware of:

  • Certain medications (antibiotics or drugs that are used to treat high blood pressure)
  • Bacterial infection or virus
  • Vaccines
  • Heat exhaustion
  • Other underlying conditionsvii

Low-Grade Fever Treatment

Depending on your symptoms, a health professional may not recommend that you seek treatment for your low-grade fever, as minor fevers can help with fighting off the microorganism in your body.viii

No matter your symptoms, if you think you may need medical attention to help with your low-grade fever, contact your doctor immediately. It’s important to closely monitor your low-grade fever, as there may be a sudden spike in temperature that could indicate something more serious. For more health tips, check out our resource center where you can find articles about cold and flu symptoms and more.

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